Tag Archive | castaway

Twenty One Days with God

TWENTY ONE day date with God:

Day One – I Surrender! I confess my faults and short comings to you and I release you to change me………

A year ago I journeyed on a twenty-one day prayer and fast with God and it revealed a lot to me. First, I realized that I wasn’t as close to God as I assumed I was. And second, I wasn’t nearly as spiritual and as I thought I was. I had to admit to myself that God indeed was not first in my life, heck he wasn’t even a close second.  As I struggled to get into His presence on the first day I soon realized what most Christian’s don’t usually admit to themselves let alone anyone else…I WAS DISTRACTED AND GOD DIDN’T MATTER UNTIL I NEEDED HIM! The world and its pleasures were foremost in my mind.  The events and things on my to-do list kept bombarding my thoughts and I found myself having to refocus after every other sentence as I attempted to pray.

Before you look down your spiny nose at me saying “Wow a minister in this position”, take heed lest YOU fall! Hurts and the cares of life will take a toll on anyone and no one is above them.  Trouble is like a grey hound bus; if you miss this one just wait because another one is coming your way.

There I was a licensed minister and sitting in church Sunday in and Sunday out Wednesday in and Wednesday out. I was on several auxiliaries and involved in almost everything the church had to offer and I felt powerless. I didn’t have enough anointing to cure a mosquitoes headache!  I was so busy doing things for God that I neglected to spend time with God.  The scripture where Paul warns leaders of preaching and but becoming a castaway kept ringing in my ears.

So Day One was rather fruitless on my part although I am sure Jesus was relieved that His intercession for me was finally being felt by me as I was finally acknowledging my flaws to Him…and there were many.   So I spent the first day following the instructions of John the Baptist as he said in Matthew 3:1-2 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Boy was I looking forward to DAY TWO…..


…….to be continued tomorrow!